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Rainey Institute and GroundWorks provide low-barrier arts education.

Tori Rumzis

GroundWorks is excited to announce we will be participating in Giving Tuesday on December 1, 2020, less than two weeks away! We hope you will all join us in this special day of giving! Follow our social pages and blog to learn about the many special relationships and partnerships we have throughout our Northeast Ohio Community.

Our first partner is Rainey Institute. GroundWorks DanceTheater and Rainey Institute began their partnership in summer of 2012, because of our common mission. As the Rainey Dance Academy (then Dance Mastery) program has developed over the years, GroundWorks artists have taught Ballet, Modern, Creative Movement, and more to the Rainey students.  Rainey dancers and their families have attended GroundWorks performances and the Rainey dancers have even performed as part of the GroundWorks exCHANGE Student Performances!

Currently, GroundWorks supports the Intro to Ballet class at Rainey, a Saturday morning class for 2.5-5 year old aspiring dancers, as well as provides deep learning and exploration opportunities for the students of the Rainey Dance Academy, an afterschool low-barrier arts program to develop pre-professional dancers.

Through our continued partnership, GroundWorks is proud to contribute to the mission and vision of the Rainey Dance Department (see below)

Department Vision: The Dance Department at Rainey is dedicated to nurturing confident, productive, and creative action-takers with the skills to graduate to pre-professional training programs, while creating community value for arts and artists in our greater community.

Department Mission: The Dance Department at Rainey provides low-barrier arts education in a safe community for expression and growth with a holistic approach to learning and development.

Visit Rainey’s website below to learn more about their many programs.


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