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Meet Spencer Dennis

Tori Rumzis

We talked with one of the new company members, Spencer Dennis, to get to know him a bit more before his GroundWorks debut this summer.

GW: You are making your GroundWorks debut during the company’s Summer Series. What are you most looking forward to this season?

SD: I’m most looking forward to getting to know the Cleveland Arts Community. So far everyone has been so kind and welcoming and I can’t wait to share everything we’ve been working on at GroundWorks with Cleveland and the greater Ohio arts communities.

GW: So far, how has your GroundWorks experience been different from other artistic experiences?

SD: My experience with GroundWorks has been different in a lot of ways, especially my ability to dance like myself. In other work environments, I often have felt the need to change my style in order to match or blend in with what either the choreographers or directors want. At GroundWorks, I feel that David and the choreographers he commissions to work with us want to explore what each of us as artists have to offer.

GW: What makes you unique? What do you want to contribute to the company?

SD: Something that I think makes me unique is my willingness to change and learn. I like to always view myself as a beginner. I think this helps me grow and adapt to the artists around me as well as expand my knowledge and abilities.

GW: Tell us about your dance background. How did you find dance?

SD: I first found dance when I was 12. My mother was looking for an indoor summer activity for me as Arizona was far too hot to play outside all summer. I started with hip-hop and tap and later began exploring ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance. After suffering an injury in high school, I decided to explore dance from a different angle as a photographer. After spending four years as a photographer, as well as picking up freelance performing and tech work, I decided to return to studying dance and began to find myself exploring the professional concert dance world.

GW: When you dance, how does it make you feel?

SD: Dance makes me feel in tune with my experiences and the world around me. I feel as though I’m able to experience and understand life far more deeply and comprehensively when I dance. Dance has always sparked thought, exploration, and creativity for me.

GW: What excites you most about Cleveland? What are your looking forward to exploring?

SD: What excites me most about Cleveland so far is the overwhelming sense of community and living in the present. In Arizona, it was rare to see a park filled with people enjoying their day, but here in Cleveland it’s an everyday occurrence to see people of all ages out and taking advantage of the nice weather. I’ve also found myself able to explore deep and substantive conversations about arts and the community here. It feels as though everyone in Cleveland likes to have their finger on the pulse and enjoys knowing what’s going on within their communities.

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